
Just finished the quilt I have made for an exhibition with other studentsĀ of Pat Archibald in Edinburgh in August .The inspiration was a poem by Lemn Sissey ” let there be peace”. The poem is full of wonderful images from magpies to dancing skeletons and Ethiopia to fireworks. the group produced incredibly varied pieces. When it is hung I will post some images .

Nancy Crow in La Falera

Another amazing masterclass with Nancy. Hard work but as always inspirational. I tried new ideas about figure ground composition – and colour-we made 14 quilts ranging in size from 20 inches square to 5 foot by six foot. and ways of looking and learnt a lot. Lucky to have such a great group and to be able to work in such a beautiful place. And for the first time in the six years I have been coming another Brit came and I think enjoyed it.